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What The Fire Could Not Destory
"Ben and Norma Shapiro spent Thanksgiving week in New York City. They went to two jazz clubs, one comedy club, two movies, six plays and five museums. They had packed clothes to take them to those events, plus casual walking. And those are all the clothes they have left. On their last night in NYC, Nov. 30, they went to a jazz club and returned to their hotel. The manager met them as they entered ... posted on Nov 19 2012, 6,467 reads


For Love of Sheeba the Cheetah
"Every parent knows the bittersweet ache of watching their children grow and leave the nest, but what happens when your baby is not yet two years old and can already run as fast as a car? No one knows exactly how a one-month-old cheetah cub made her way under the fence of the Ol Pejeta chimpanzee sanctuary in Kenya in October of 2010. It's no small miracle that sanctuary workers spotted her before... posted on Nov 18 2012, 31,545 reads


Soil, Soul and Society
Nearly 50 years ago, Satish Kumar walked from India to the United States for peace, starting at the grave of Mahatma Gandhi and ending at the grave of John F. Kennedy. He walked without money, trusting in the kindness of strangers to support him. "Peace comes from trust. Wars come from fear." He advocates making peace with soil (nature), soul (yourself) and society (others) because the future well... posted on Nov 17 2012, 3,804 reads


The Poorest & Most Generous President in the World
Jose Mujica, president of Uruguay, has been described as the world's poorest and most generous political leader; he donates about 90% of his salary to charities, lives in a modest house at his wife's flower farm, and drives a 1987 VW Beetle. Uruguayans know him as "Pepe" and just about everyone in the country agrees that, in everyday life, he's a citizen like any other, except he doesn't have a ba... posted on Nov 16 2012, 20,136 reads


Your Health Is Bigger Than Your Body
"Talking with Dr. Ted Schettler is probably unlike any conversation you have had with your physician. Raise the topic of diabetes or dementia, and Schettler starts talking about income disparities, industrial farming, and campaign finance reform. The Harvard-educated physician, frustrated by the limitations of science in combating disease, believes that finding answers to the most persistent medic... posted on Nov 15 2012, 13,434 reads


The Action of Light
"The working class daughter of a Jewish mother and Sicilian father, Joan Di Stefano was working to help with the bills at fourteen. A few years later she was "slinging drinks" to pay tuition for her classes at the San Francisco Art Institute. At seventeen, while working at Macy's in downtown SF, on her lunch-breaks she often visited a bookstore around the corner. That's where she picked up a copy... posted on Nov 14 2012, 5,386 reads


For Love of Sheeba the Cheetah
"Every parent knows the bittersweet ache of watching their children grow and leave the nest, but what happens when your baby is not yet two years old and can already run as fast as a car? No one knows exactly how a one-month-old cheetah cub made her way under the fence of the Ol Pejeta chimpanzee sanctuary in Kenya in October of 2010. It's no small miracle that sanctuary workers spotted her before... posted on Nov 12 2012, 0 reads


Don't Worry Be Healthy
"The adage, "Don't worry, be happy," suddenly has a lot more weight behind it, thanks to the latest medical research. In the first-ever systematic review of happiness and heart health, researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health in Boston have found that a positive outlook on life can actually protect your heart from cardiovascular disease."... posted on Nov 11 2012, 8,688 reads


Transforming Bullies -- with Babies
"Teacher Raya patrols a group of giggly kindergarten students, looking each so deeply in the eye that many squirm and bashfully reach for her toes. Her father carries her in his arms. Raya is not quite five months old. She's teaching them about being kind and how to talk about their feelings so that later, they don't terrorize each other. Teacher Raya, as they call her, is a "volunteer" with Roots... posted on Nov 10 2012, 7,151 reads


Is Time Really Money?
"Time is money in the West. Workers are paid by the hour, lawyers charge by the minute, and advertising is sold by the second ($117,000 per second at this year's Super Bowl). Think about this: The civilized mind has reduced time, the most obscure and amorphous of all intangibles, to the most objective of all quantities -- money. With time and things on the same value scale, I can tell you how many... posted on Nov 09 2012, 24,013 reads


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